Monday, January 30, 2012

Prayer of a child

Such a little girl = BIG FAITH!
Have to share this story....So last night this was Brooke's bedtime prayer:
Jesus you can do anything, so please bring my baby TOMORROW! 
I was amazed at her faith and confidence, so I went downstairs and posted on facebook about her prayer.
Guess what happened today?????  Unbelievable!!!!!
God hears our 5:00 pm I got a call from our caseworker and she said she wanted to show our portfolio to a Birthmom who just had a BABY boy born TODAY!!!!  I almost fell over!  I will post an update as soon as we know anything.  Even if the Birthmom doesn't pick us at least we know God is working---a Birthmom at least LOOKED at our portfolio.  YAY! 
Please PRAY HARD...this is such a BIG DECISION...GOD has a plan. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Perfect for today!

She made this at school. Today we had such beautiful snow fall!

New Pajamas!

I had a ten dollar reward certificate for JcPenney and I was able to get these pajamas and a nightgown for $11.52 total...what a deal!  She likes them a lot, and she kept saying they are soft!

Blue day!

This is what she wanted to wear for BLUE day at preschool

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cover those ears...BRRR!!!

Instead of her hat she wanted to wear her earmuffs!

Helping us shovel the snow in the front of the house.

Took her hat off....

COLD snow on her HEAD!!!

Making a snowball! .....And, throwing them at Mama!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

College Friends Party

The only 2 little girls at the party this year...Kaitlyn and Brooke
Brooke and Nolan played together. 
Lots of boys in this group----Precious kiddos! 
On couch:  L to R- Brant, Blake, Cody, Grant, Drew, Peyton and Jake
Floor L to R -Brock, Kaitlyn, Ben, Nolan, and Brooke

College friends...God has blessed me!!!!
I love all of you!!!  
We had so much fun, thanks Aaron and Richelle for hosting it every year. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Saturday morning woke up to this...


2nd Gymnastics class

She had a great time again in gymnastics class. 
Here she is all dressed for gymnastics--Woody and Jessie had to be in the picture, too!

Got ahold of Daddy's phone...

Look out Daddy, she loves playing on your phone!
Love that Daddy is caught sleeping in the background! ;)

Does Daddy even know she has his phone? 

Isn't she "snow" cute?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Special Weekend - Plymouth Ice Festival

Our little eskimo!

Dreams do come true. I love you, Matt.  You are a wonderful Daddy to Brooke.

Sweet memories...This is where I met my husband 8 years ago this weekend. 

Happy Snowgirl! 

I love my girl so much!  So thankful she is in my life.

She thought this ear of corn was silly! 

Friday, January 20, 2012

A visit to the "big" library!

She always talks to this girl reading books, too cute!

Fire truck!

Computer time is so much fun at the library!

                                                             Enjoys books for sure!