Monday, January 30, 2012

Prayer of a child

Such a little girl = BIG FAITH!
Have to share this story....So last night this was Brooke's bedtime prayer:
Jesus you can do anything, so please bring my baby TOMORROW! 
I was amazed at her faith and confidence, so I went downstairs and posted on facebook about her prayer.
Guess what happened today?????  Unbelievable!!!!!
God hears our 5:00 pm I got a call from our caseworker and she said she wanted to show our portfolio to a Birthmom who just had a BABY boy born TODAY!!!!  I almost fell over!  I will post an update as soon as we know anything.  Even if the Birthmom doesn't pick us at least we know God is working---a Birthmom at least LOOKED at our portfolio.  YAY! 
Please PRAY HARD...this is such a BIG DECISION...GOD has a plan. 

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