Wednesday, January 18, 2012

4 year immunizations

Well, today was not easy...I dreaded going to get Brooke's immunizations. I put it off long we go!   I was secretly hoping Matt wouldn't get off of work on time, but he did!!!  He met us at the Health Dept. and he helped hold her down for her shots.  It was terrible, I hate seeing her cry like that.  I had gotten her a donut from Tim Horton's for a surprise when we got back to the van.  She was so happy when I gave it to her, but as she was eating it she cried out, "I want to go home!"  I think she was a bit mad at me. I also had promised her a Slurpee, so we stopped and got a Blue Raspberry flavored one.  Yummy!
"I don't like shots!"

"Ouch!....See my band-aids?!"

SASSY face!!!!! 

So happy to be done with shots until she is 13 years old! 

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